Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Inspiration

On this day, the start of Women's History Month and the death of conservative activist, Andrew Breitbart, I have finally been inspired to start my own blog. I've considered blogging for quite a while, but always waved it away due to my inept technological capabilities, and the fact that I always had more important things to do (ie: college, touring Europe, getting married, writing my senior thesis, catching up on all seasons of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia," ensuring the continuance of humanity through procreation, et cetera). But today, a tweet composed by someone I do not follow, but instead just came across in passing, which said, "Something 2 remember, @AndrewBreitbart had the same # of hours in his day that you do. He chose 2 use them 2 fight 4 America. How about you?" and this amazing blog were my inspirations.

A natural cynic, I in no way fancy myself to ever have such an important impact on society that the Liberal media would celebrate my death; I mean, it took me seven months to get 43 followers on Twitter. I am a nobody, this I know. But I can pretend and I can dream. I can throw my rants out into the cyber universe and see what happens, if anything. So watch out world (or not), I have a blog.