Friday, March 23, 2012

Abortion is Evil: A Rant

I have grown increasingly less tolerant of so-called "Pro-Choice" individuals--those who advocate abortion either through their voice or their silence; their votes or their seemingly inconsequential social media posts. I have grown tired of their same-old, recycled rhetoric: "It's not a person," "I could never have an abortion myself, but I could also never tell someone else not to," "Women should have the right to choose not to be pregnant," "Population control!," "It's better that one should never be born than to be born into a life of unwantedness and contempt," blahblahblah. So for those of you who turn a blind eye to the horrors of abortion and justify it through any or all of these feeble, hollow arguments: it is my whole-hearted belief that YOU are the manifestation of evil in this world. 

Don't agree? Tell me what ISN'T evil about injecting a hypertonic saline solution into the amniotic fluid (in some cases, directly into the embryo/fetus), which BURNS the embryo/fetus inside and out (keep in mind that that "non-person" [to use the words of you Pro-Choicers] can feel pain at 9 weeks from conception--typically around the time that a woman has learned she is pregnant and looks to procure an abortion), thus "disrupting the natural process of pregnancy," or in other words, KILLING the developing human being?

What ISN'T evil about suctioning a fetus out of the womb, either whole or in pieces--and in the latter case, then scraping any remaining pieces out of the womb? And, again, a Suction Curettage Abortion is typically performed around 9 weeks.

What ISN'T evil about dismembering a fetus with forceps? Clamping onto anything one can grab with said forceps, and pulling HARD, tearing limbs and body parts from the uterus piece by piece? Decapitating the fetus, and then CRUSHING the skull, spilling the fetus's developing brain everywhere and then picking out pieces of skull from the uterus? Does any of that NOT sound evil to you?

Tell me what is NOT evil about severing with scissors the spine of a baby who has been born alive. Tell me what is NOT evil about leaving a baby who has survived an abortion to die in either the trash or a toilet. 

Tell me what is NOT evil about abortion facilities selling baby body parts for profit. 

Tell me what is NOT evil about supporting ANY politician who supports any of the above.

Tell me what is NOT evil about allowing/advocating any of this?

The past few weeks, there has been a lot of outrage by conservative women over the Left's continual attempts to belittle women by reducing women to one or two social issues. I am not among those outraged women, because I AM a one-issue voter. To me, support for abortion reveals an inherent moral depravity that cannot be justified or reconciled. If one is content with slaughtering millions of innocents, there is probably no end to one's malevolence; and I will not trust one to run my country, nor be my friend. Period.