Thursday, August 16, 2012

I Heart Paul Ryan

A friend sent me this image and we both had a good laugh because these are all reasons we love Paul Ryan.  And here's why:

     1. Thank you, Paul Ryan, for voting against the Lilly Ledbetter "Fair Pay" Act.  As a rational woman capable of reason and common sense, I understand that a Federal law requiring women to be paid "the same as men" would actually harm women.  The reason women are "paid less" than men is due largely to the choices that women make.  For example, women work less hours than men, and often opt for more flexibility in their work schedules instead of a higher pay.  Not to mention the luxurious benefits that women are often offered in place of a higher pay--*ahem* I do not believe Paid Maternity Leave is something that employers offer to men.  If there were to be a Federal law requiring women to be paid "the same" as men, then women would become too expensive for employers to hire.  This would result in either employers not hiring women, or not offering them the flexibility and benefits that women often choose over a higher pay.  I don't know about you, but I would rather have Paid Maternity Leave than an extra 50 cents an hour.
     But, of course, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration (interesting how the Liberal creators of this meme left that part of the title out) Act does not even address any supposed "pay gap" between men and women.  It only extends the statute of limitations for filing equal-pay lawsuits regarding pay "discrimination" (subjective).  Oh, and never mind that female employees working under Obama earned 18% less than their male counterparts.  I am sure it had to do with reasons stated above, but it is rather hypocritical for Democrats to claim Republicans are waging a war on women while they pay their female employees significantly less than their male employees, would not you agree?

     2. Oh, women are going to die if they are denied abortions?  You mean, how Tonya Reaves was going to die if she did not receive an abortion.... Oh, wait....
     There is this thing--you might have heard of it--it is called Modern Medicine.  And it is pretty impressive.  Even if a women needs cancer treatments, studies have confirmed that an abortion is not necessary, and that this Modern Medicine can further the woman's health AND her unborn baby's.  Anyway, there is a big difference between providing necessary medical procedures for the health of a pregnant woman that may or may not inadvertently result in a miscarriage, and intentionally and violently ending the life of an innocent, developing person.  Truth is, abortion causes more health problems than it solves, such as tripling a woman's risk of breast cancer.  While a little known secret to maintaining a long and healthy life is linked to having lots of children.
     Oh, and rape and incest?  Those cases make up less than 1% of all abortions in the United States.  And for those women who have become pregnant from incidents of rape and incest, they say an abortion only adds to the trauma.  Plus, it is considered "cruel and unusual punishment" to sentence the rapist to death, so why should the innocent baby--the product of such a horrendous crime--be subjected to a fate that judges and juries will not subject to the perpetrator of the crime?

     3. Paul Ryan wants to defund Planned Parenthood?  You mean, that billion-dollar corporate fat-cat that pays its CEO over $400,000 a year and makes over $155 million a year doing abortions?  The same corporate fat-cat that never called 911 as a woman was bleeding out on their operating table and waited five hours to send that woman to the emergency room?  The same corporation whose presence, oddly, is disproportionately found in minority neighborhoods?  The same corporation that has overwhelmingly and repeatedly covered up instances of statutory rape, incest, and other abusive relationships?  Yeah, I do not have a problem with that.  And why do Liberals have a problem with it?  Was not Occupy Wall Street all about the "99%'' protesting the tax-payer funding of the "1%"?  Planned Parenthood does not need tax-payer funding.  They will do just fine killing babies and harming women without it. 

     4. Ooohhh nooooo, not my birth control!  Oh, never mind.  I practice NFP.  And you can too!  If there is a War on Women, it is that contraceptives are prescribed to perfectly healthy women for everything from an irregular cycle to acne treatment, despite the dire risks involved with ALL forms of contraceptives.  The Pill is a Group 1 Carcinogen that can also cause blood clots, heart attack, stroke, and has resulted in the deaths of thousands of women worldwide. And The Pill is not only harming women, but the environment as well.  The synthetic hormones that make up The Pill are not biodegradable and remain in a woman's urine, making its way to our water supply, and causing deformities and sterility in fish and other aquatic species--and may be affecting us in similar ways.  Also, for each year a woman is on The Pill, her cervix ages an additional year.  That means that a 23-year-old woman who has been on The Pill since she was 16 has the cervix of a 30-year-old woman.  And if a woman is to come off of The Pill, it can take up to two years for all those cancer-causing synthetic hormones to exit the woman's body.
     Meanwhile, The Shot, while also having similar risks as The Pill, also increases a woman's risk for breast cancer.  And IUDs can cause tumors, sterility, ectopic pregnancies, and various types of cancers.
     But Paul Ryan is probably mostly concerned with the abortifacient nature of "some forms of birth control."  "Some forms of birth control" do not actually prevent conception, but rather just make the uterus inhospitable for the implantation of a new life, thus resulting in an abortion.
     Women are pumping their bodies full of these dangerous, cancer-causing, non-biodegradable synthetic hormones or wearing foreign devices inside of them for months at a time, all to "control" their fertility.  But it does not have to be this way.  Perfectly healthy women do not have to put their health and their lives at risk just to avoid a pregnancy.  A woman is only fertile for about 96 hours a month, so why is your doctor suggesting you take The Pill every day, have a shot of concentrated, extra-strength hormones, or have an IUD implanted?  THAT is a War on Women, my friends.  It is insulting to our dignity to treat our fertility like a disease and it is insulting to our intelligence to suggest that we cannot "control" our fertility naturally.  Our bodies naturally tell us when we are fertile and when we are not, and we have the ability to read those signs in order to avoid conduct that might result in a pregnancy--and it is all based on biology and scientific knowledge.  All women deserve to know their bodies and TRULY take control of their fertility, while living in harmony with nature.  And with that, I conclude my tangent on NFP.

     5. Can't have kids naturally?  Too bad.  Yup.  That is exactly right.  Children are a privilege, not a right.  And again, the health and ethical concerns of IVF are staggering.  The procedure to extract donor eggs can result in hormone overdose, leave a woman damaged for life, and unable to have her own children naturally; and this procedure is all too often performed without fully informing the young egg donors of the risks involved.  And surrogacy in and of itself is utilitarianism at its finest.  It reduces a person to a commodity to be used at the expense of a wealthy person or couple.  IVF also leads to the destruction of human life, either through the immediate discarding of unused embryos or the unsuccessful stem cell research upon them.  And that is not all.  IVF children are more likely to have developmental disorders and terminal illnesses, while also having, like, 150 half-siblings.  No big deal.
     And, of course, that is only half of it.  IVF takes all of the LOVE out of having children and reduces the sexual act to a science project, while also defiling the exclusivity of the marital act by bringing a third person (the surrogate, egg or sperm donor) into the picture.  The human dignity of all persons demand better than that.
     Can't have kids naturally? Adopt.